
"Gagaku" concert

This is called "Jyugatsu Zakura"(October cherry blossoms)
that oddly come in full bloom in the middle of fall.

Last weekend, I attended a Gagaku concert held at the music hall in the Royal Palace. Gagaku is the Japanese traditional, probably oldest form of music play, which is usually played with dancing as a part of official riturals conducted by Imperial family. On this special occasion, however, the atenndees chosen by postcards are allowed to enter the palace to appreciate the music inherited from the ancient time, commemorating the 2oth anniversaty of the current emperer's and empress's enthronement.

The above is the stage for dancers.
Behind that are music players seated on the floor
playing instruments such as "sho" and "teki."

Also, the area around Imperial Palace is recently the most popular place among Japanese joggers. If you walk alongside the moat of the Palace, you wwould find many joggers as well as foreign tourists eagerly taking pictures.